a butoh ritual performance with images, theater lighting design, and evocative music
... reminiscent of divisions, war, bodies, breath of memory slipping through, holding on to a quiet power within while being attacked, the moment of waiting to start a new movement in music between two scores, typhoons, desert, a hand longing for a hold at the end of a day, a lifetime, chasing the sun as it is setting, beyond ... ... ...
In the images of war that flood our consciousness, divisions between parents and children, women and men, this piece travels through history to how women in Korea were treated in WWII and seeks to heal, reprocess, and reroute in the present.
in honor of, reclamation for “wianbu”, victims of sexual violence by the Japanese Imperial Army
Performed at the Headwaters Theater, Portland, Oregon
as part of Fe Faucet's Festival of Fending, August 2, 2018
& Highways Gallery in Los Angeles, CA, 2019
Butoh research by Min Yoon
Music by Paul Michael Schaefer, Prairie Madness, Institute for Creative Dying
Video by TJ Thompson
In artist residency with Water in the Desert

I hope to continue developing this piece. One of my dreams is to be able to perform this in Korea.