Searching for Every|Body
with Berlin Wall memories
for Conscious Newsroom
art research about how the body remembers division | the Berlin Wall
at ZK/U, Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik’s Mutual Learning Lab Residency
Siemensstr 27 Berlin
research throughout February
+++ MARCH 21, 2024 SHOWING at ZK/U
with performance and somatic experiments with the audience by Min Yoon & music by Wieland Möller
with more artists’ showings
* Save the date! Everyone is welcome to the performance/experience. Free showing.
or email with questions

about the Movement research
As part of an artist residency with ZK/U, dancer and somatic facilitator Min Yoon is looking for people open to sharing their stories and experiences about the Berlin Wall and explore memories through movement for 1-2 hours.
Looking for people who
~ have a story, feeling, or memory about the Berlin Wall -living while it was still up, when it fell, and living with the memories (all generations are welcome, even if the wall was up only for a short time in their life)
~ for people who lived in Berlin as well as people who have memories of the East/West division but experienced them outside of Berlin (in other parts of East Germany)
~ are open to exploring movement
~ speak English and can have a conversation (yet does not have to be fluent)
~ can meet at ZK/U in Berlin in February for 1-2 hours
*** The research together will be recorded to be studied by Min. If it is okay with each person, photos that do not identify the person may be shared as part of the research, with care and with permission.
** This is not intended to be a political project, and more so a creative listening and research with themes and patterns in our bodies and lives.
* For people outside of Berlin, who would like to share their story / memory / research, please email Min and we may connect in March online via Zoom.
Email with questions
~ have a story, feeling, or memory about the Berlin Wall -living while it was still up, when it fell, and living with the memories (all generations are welcome, even if the wall was up only for a short time in their life)
~ for people who lived in Berlin as well as people who have memories of the East/West division but experienced them outside of Berlin (in other parts of East Germany)
~ are open to exploring movement
~ speak English and can have a conversation (yet does not have to be fluent)
~ can meet at ZK/U in Berlin in February for 1-2 hours
*** The research together will be recorded to be studied by Min. If it is okay with each person, photos that do not identify the person may be shared as part of the research, with care and with permission.
** This is not intended to be a political project, and more so a creative listening and research with themes and patterns in our bodies and lives.
* For people outside of Berlin, who would like to share their story / memory / research, please email Min and we may connect in March online via Zoom.
Email with questions
Min will meet people individually in the studio to listen and explore themes, sensations, feelings, and symbols that come up in the stories and memories.
We may explore together relevant news topics as well as historical sites around Berlin, and expand our senses to what is brought up personally and collectively connected to our personal experiences and history, using various artistic experiments.
Min works with butoh dance, conflict studies, and somatics. They connect the personal to abstract and universal qualities through somatic research and artistic expression. Hope this research can be a deep exploration on the divisions that continue to exist around the world, as well as within us.
more about the project / the Why
“The Conscious Newsroom” is a dance research project, exploring how people’s bodies remember the Berlin Wall, the division, fall, reunification, the aftermath, and what remains in how we coexist in the city together. When first visiting Berlin, Min was moved by Berlin’s unique ways of integrating and modernizing its historical sites into its daily architecture, like memorial scars.
Growing up in Korea and the US, the Berlin Wall has been a symbol for reunification. Starting this project today, Min invites looking at the past creatively, as a detached / less charged exploration of divisions, with questions of any possible parallels with the atrocities people in different countries face.
In February, Min is looking for people with memories of the Berlin Wall for research. More here:
There will be an initial showing at ZK/U’s OpenHaus on 21 March, and hopefully further creative shares to follow with experimental community experiences.
My positionality for this project is one focused on intentional and unintional movements and emotions. I am new to Berlin and consider myself to be an external researcher on the theme of divisions in a sense. I am professionally trained in dance, somatics, and conflict facilitation, yet have less knowledge of history and the current political relationships in Germany and Europe. I also come with openness and curiosity to hold space and meet people, with mixed identities and perspectives of privilege, power, and marginalities from the US and South Korea by birth.

photo by Carolin Thiergart